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Mémorial parisien.

Or Paris as it was, as it is.

Mémorial parisien
Réf. 70278


Paris.  -  Dalibon.  -  1821.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 315 pp.

Brown half-basane binding. Spine with five raised bands with gilt fillets, fleurons and friezes, also including a red morocco piece with the title in gilt. Rubbing all over the binding. All edges speckled. Ex libris in the form of a label on the back cover. Slightly browned paper. Black and white frontispiece with handwritten bookplate on the spine. Even though several pages have had their upper edge slightly bevelled, the whole content remains in good condition.

Many have taken on the task of describing Paris, the capital of France. The author, a lawyer by profession, also lent himself to the exercise. Evocation of historical people and places, anecdotes and descriptions of all kinds... The reader will not fail to be interested in the point of view prior to that of his time.

Condition okay.

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