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L'année évangélique ou Homélies sur les évangiles des Dim. et fêtes de l'année - Tomes 1 à 7

L'année évangélique ou Homélies sur les évangiles des Dim. et fêtes de l'année - Tomes 1 à 7
Réf. 67843

LAMBERT (Joseph)

Avignon.  -  A. Chambeau fils.  -  1825.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 7 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : Pagination discontinue.

Set of 7 volumes with brown solid-banana binding. Smooth spines with gilt friezes and fleurons, also including two pieces of brown morocco on which the tomaison and the title in gilt. Head covers, pieces of morocco, bits and dishes rubbed or even damaged depending on the copies. All marbled tanches. Slightly browned paper. All contents well preserved considering their age.

In good condition.

Categories : Antique books, Religions

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