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Discours oeconomique, non moins utile que récréatif

monstrating as five hundred pounds for every foy employed, one can draw four thousand and five hundred and fifty pounds a year from honest proffict, which is the way to make one's money proliferate.

Discours oeconomique, non moins utile que récréatifDiscours oeconomique, non moins utile que récréatif
Réf. 41051


Rouen  -  Chez Martin Le Menestrier  -  1612

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 45 pp.
  • Language : Français

Binding of the period full glazed calf. Smooth spine finely decorated. Triple gilded filet in framing on the boards. Golden fillet on the cups. Golden slices. Very clean interior. 

Reprinting of this economic treaty in the 18th century, dated 1612, the first edition of which was printed in 1569.

The author proposes to enrich himself by the reasoned breeding of chickens.

Very nice copy.

Categories : Sciences

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