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Essai sur l'électricité des corps

Réf. 64002

Paris.  -  Frères Guérin.  -  1753.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : VIII - 275 pp.

Brown solid-baseback binding. Spine with five nerves with ornamented boxes containing titles and fleurons, all gilt. Missing head covers. Rubbed jaws. Dishes scratched. All red slices. Rubbed back plates. Folded and torn fake title pages with handwritten ex-libris. Handwriting and small dirt scattered on the pages. Handwritten ex-libris on the last page. Contents adorned with 4 black and white folding plates.

3rd edition.

Privilege and approval of the king at the end of the work.

A small work, but great in content. This reprint dedicated to the Dauphin de France aims to perfect his education through science learning. This pedagogy is here armed with the knowledge of the time as well as black and white plates to demonstrate the theories through images.

Condition okay.

Categories : Antique books, Sciences

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