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Traité complet d'électricité, édition originale

Followed by} Reasoned exposition of the theory of electricity and magnetism by Abbé HAUY. {Follow-up of.} Brief on the different ways of administering electricity and observations on the effects they produced by Mr. MAUDUYT.

Traité complet d'électricité
Réf. 37990

CAVALLO (Tibère)

Paris  -  Chez Guillot  -  1785

  • Format : Fort in-8
  • Number of volumes : 3 volumes en 1 tome.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : XXIV, 343 pp.
  • Language : Français

Period binding. Spine with raised bands with golden fillets. Lack of leather on the boards and on the spine. Red slices. 

Volume 1: First edition of this translation in French, the original edition in English was published in 1777. 4 folding plates engraved by Gerardin, representing experiments with Franklin's machines and Leiden bottles.

Volume 2: Chez Desaint, 1787. 4 folding sheets of the first important work of Father Haüy, founder of modern crystallography and mineralogy .

Volume 3: From the Royal Printing House, 1784. 2 folding plates. This memory traces all the curative applications of electricity on humans: rheumatism, deafness, toothache, ophthalmia, paralysis, epilepsy .


Beautiful interior condition.

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