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Le révolté

Réf. 1015

LARROUY (Maurice)

Paris  -  Les Éditions De France  -  1924

  • Format : In-8
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume
  • Binding : Bound
  • Collation : 309 pp.
  • Language : Français

ORIGINAL EDITION NUMBERED in 40 copies on Holland paper. On large witnesses. In leather-lined case. Jansenist binding in full bordeaux morocco. Spine with 4 jumped nerves. Top edge gilt. Interior guard in burgundy morocco. Double guard of marbled paper. Original paper covers and spine bound in. Fresh interior, except on pages marked with the fabric bookmark.

Beautiful sending by the author for Madame Minvielle dated 1926, very beautiful free, in an elegant binding.

Categories : Biography
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