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Annecy and its lake - Annecy: its lake, its forest, its region - Lake Annecy

Réf. 72241


Paris - Non-donnés.  -  Hachette - Syndicat d'initiative régional d'Annecy et de la Haute-Savoie - Syndicat d'initiative.  -  Vol. 1 : 1937; Vol.2 et Vol.3 : non-datés.

  • Format : In-12 à In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 3 volumes.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : Vol. 1 : 64 pp.; Vol.2 : 56 pp.; Vol.3 : non-paginé.

Set of three volumes with soft and printed covers.

Annecy and its lake - Grey-blue cover. Fading on the cover. Browned paper. Good condition of the contents decorated with black and white photographs in-text as well as colour or black and white plans out of text.

Annecy : its lake, its forest, its region - White cover printed in colour. Good condition of the contents decorated with black and white photographs in- and out-text.

Lake Annecy - Leaflet in good condition with off-text colour illustrations and an off-text black and colour plan.


In good condition.

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