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Agota pastorala.

Altzai - Lakarri, 1999-ko Agorrilaren 1ean eta 8an

Agota pastorala
Réf. 73957


Non-donné.  -  Conseil général des Pyrénées Atlantiques.  -  1999.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 111 pp.

Soft cover and printed in colour. Folds on the cover. Tiny stitches on the head edge. Nice condition of the contents.

The Toribio Altzaga Theatre Prize of the Basque Academy, 1992.

Trilingual edition: text present in Basque, French and Spanish.

Very good condition.

Categories : Literature, Pays Basque
From the same author

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