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Arnaout de Lavedan : Chroniques picaresques d'un aventurier pyrénéen

Arnaout de Lavedan : Chroniques picaresques d'un aventurier pyrénéen
Réf. 80865

TAMBOISE (Pierre-Louis)

Pau.  -  Marrimpouey Jeune.  -  196-1969.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : Tome 1: 231 pp. Tome 2: 165 pp.

Soft cream cover with full colour printing. Burnished back. Slight wear of the cover. Stitching on the head edge. Unshaven and uncut pages. Good condition of contents.

Nice condition of the contents.

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