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Artzainak : Les bergers basques/Los pastores vascos

Artzainak  Les bergers basquesLos pastores vascos
Réf. 66690

BLOT (Jacques)

Saint-Sébastien - Bayonne.  -  Elkar.  -  1984.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Cardboard.
  • Collation : 220 pp.

Bradel red publisher's cardboard. Smooth spine with gold title. First cover with gilt title. Fine smears, author and publisher's gilt entions partially erased on the first cover. Rubbed jaws. Stitches on the head edge. Freckles on the colour guards. Nice condition of the contents with black and white illustrations in and out of text as well as colour photographic plates.

Trilingual edition: text in Basque, French and Spanish.

Beautiful work evoking the shepherdess tradition of the Basque Country, with beautiful literary and pictorial descriptions. These help the reader to become aware of the importance of this way of life in Basque culture.

Nice condition of the contents.

Categories : Pays Basque, Traditions
From the same author

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