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Biarritz entre les Pyrénées et l'océan. Itinéraire pittoresque

Réf. 1845

CHAHO (Augustin)

Bayonne  -  A. Andreossy  -  1855

  • Format : In-12
  • Number of volumes : 2 volumes
  • Binding : Related
  • Collation : Tome 1: 316 pp.Tome 2: 349 pp.
  • Language : Français

Blue semi-percaline binding. Smooth spines with golden title and author. Three blue speckled slices. Clean interior with rare freckles. Page 103 is torn but not missing. ORIGINAL EDITION.

Beautiful copy of this work which has become impossible to find. A pioneering monograph on tourist guides.

Categories : Pays Basque

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