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Cadette de Gascogne

Cadette de Gascogne
Réf. 66842

CHAMPOL illustrated by R.LELONG

Tours.  -  Alfred Mame & Fils.  -  1922.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Cardboard.
  • Collation : 382 pp.

Creamed editor's cardboard. Smooth burnished spine with floral design, title and author's note in black. Rubbing all over the cardboard. First cover decorated with black and red floral motifs, author's name in red, and title and publisher's name in black. Burnished paper. Frontispiece in black and white. Nice condition of the contents with black and white in-text illustrations by R. LELONG.

In good condition.

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