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Diccionario etimológico del idioma vascongado - Tomes I et II

Diccionario etimológico del idioma vascongado - Tomes I et II
Réf. 71792


Toulouse.  -  Establecimiento Tipográfico de Eusebio López  -  1887.

  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : Tome I : XXIV-721 pp.; Tome II : 778 pp.
  • Language : Espagnol

Set of two volumes with publisher's red half-chagrin binding. Smooth spines with large repeated gilt palettes, gilt title, tomaison and fleurons.
Red percaline boards stamped in black and gold, with the coat of arms of Biscay. Heads and spines rubbed or even cracked. All edges mottled in red. Coloured endpapers printed in black and blue with the advertisement and the publisher's catalogue. Black and white frontispiece on volume I. Papers browned but in good condition. Text printed on two columns.

A beautiful and imposing series in two volumes allowing Spanish-speaking readers to learn Basque vocabulary. A way for the author, a Spanish politician of the 19th century, to value this territory where he made his career.

In good condition.

Categories : Pays Basque, Language

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