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"La ligne de démarcation" - Histoires du Pays Basque, de Béarn et de Bigorre

"La ligne de démarcation" - Histoires du Pays Basque, de Béarn et de Bigorre
Réf. 65143


Paris.  -  Librairie académique Perrin.  -  1973.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Cardboard.
  • Collation : 353 pp.

Editor's cardboard red-bordeaux bradel. Smooth spine with title, author's and publisher's notes in white. Front cover with title, coat of arms, author and publisher's name in white. Slightly rubbed caps and jaws. Yellowed paper. Good condition with black and white photographic plates.

Very good condition.

Categories : Pays Basque, History
From the same author

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