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La tradition au Pays-Basque.

Ethnography - Folklore - Folk Art - History - Hagiography

La tradition au Pays-Basque
Réf. 72316


Paris.  -  Aux bureaux de la tradition nationale.  -  1899.

  • Format : In-8 (grand).
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 598 pp.

Brown soft cover printed in black and white. Spine wrinkled and missing on the headpieces. Pages not soiled. Paper browned. Frontispiece in black and white. Good condition of the contents decorated with black and white music scores in-text, as well as black and white photographs in- and out-text.


This is a work that will appeal to all lovers of Basque culture, both beginners and experts. The result of numerous works, this book evokes all the productions and creations of the Basque tradition. The latter being several thousand years old, and having touched many fields - myths as well as arts - the material is quite important.

Nice condition of the contents.

Categories : Pays Basque, Traditions

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