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Le Pays Basque à vol d'oiseau par Pierre Lhande

Le Pays Basque à vol d'oiseau par Pierre Lhande
Réf. 72721

LHANDE (Pierre)

Paris.  -  Gabriel Beauchesne.  -  1925.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 183 pp.

Soft cream cover printed in black and white. Wrinkled back with small lacks on the caps and reinforcement in the form of adhesive. Moderate wear of the cover. Unstuck pages. Burnished paper. Frontispiece in black and white. Contents decorated with black and white photographic plates.

Mention of 3rd mile. Third edition.

Condition okay.

Categories : History, Pays Basque
From the same author

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