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Le Pays Basque

Le Pays Basque
Réf. 70548


Bordeaux.  -  Delmas.  -  1949.

  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 160 pp.

Red half-shell binding with corners. Spine with two nerves. Lightly rubbed caps, nerves, jaws and corners. Traces of an old label on the white guard. Cover in well preserved colours. Slightly browned paper. Contents ornate with red in-text lettering and illustrations, black and white in-text lettering, illustrations and photographs, as well as colour illustrated plates, one of which is on a fold-out page.

Collection "LA FRANCE VOUS INVITE...".

In good condition.

Categories : Pays Basque, Geography

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