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Études sur le théâtre basque - Le Théâtre comique.

Chikitoak and Koblak - Souletine Masquerades - Tragi-Comedies of Carnival - Charivaric Serenades - Charivaric Parades - Charivaric Fools' Tricks

Les Pastorales à sujets tragiques considérées littérairement
Réf. 64916

HERELLE (Georges)

Paris.  -  Librairie ancienne Honoré Champion - Edouard Champion.  -  1926.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 241 pp.

Printed soft cream blanket. Slight wear of the cover. Frontispiece in black and white. Unshaded pages. Burnished paper. Traces of handwritten annotations on some pages. Contents decorated with 28 documentary figures and a noted dance tune. In black and white in and out of text.

Very good condition.

Categories : Literature, Pays Basque

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