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Mélanges de linguistique et d'anthropologie

Mélanges de linguistique et d'anthropologie
Réf. 71608

HOVELACQUE (Abel); PICOT (Émile); VINSON (Julien)

Paris.  -  Ledoux et Cie.  -  1880.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardback.
  • Collation : VI-330 pp.

Bound in green half-percaline bradel. Smooth spine with double fillet, gilt author's name and title. Date and double fillet gilt on heel. Handwritten annotations on flyleaf and table of contents.

Copy enriched with an AUTOGRAPHIC SENDER SIGNED by the author (Julien VINSON) : "To my dear cousin Émile Tromette père, cordial memory".

Collection of articles published in various newspapers or magazines, written by great experts of their time. All of them are dedicated to the study of the Basque culture, its society and its language.

In good condition.

Categories : Pays Basque, Language

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