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Napoléon à Bayonne, édition originale

according to contemporaries and unpublished documents.

Napoléon à Bayonne
Réf. 75046

DUCERE (Edouard)

Bayonne  -  E. Hourquet  -  1897

  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 248 pp.

Green half-basane binding. Smooth spine with golden florets. Cover kept. Interior with stitching that does not prevent reading. Illustrated with 10 out-of-text phototype plates.

FIRST EDITION. LIMITED DRAWING. One of 100 numbered copies on plain paper with illustrations." It is the rarest of Ducéré's works for the following reason: in addition to being a limited edition, it is requested by both Bayonese amateurs and by all those who document Napoleonic history. However, since it derives a large part of its value from illustrations, it is only estimated as much as it contains them. (Beard, 314).

In good condition.

Categories : Pays Basque, Bayonne

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