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Pierre Garat le chanteur (1762-1823)

Pierre Garat le chanteur (1762-1823)
Réf. 64824

FAGOAGA (Isidore de.)

Bayonne.  -  Imprimerie la Presse.  -  1944.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.

Printed soft cream blanket. Brown band overlapping first and back cover. Remains of errata on the back cover. Fine little freckles on the pages. A single handwritten trace on the first page.

Enriched copy with a SIGNED SELF-SIGNED SENDING from the author.

Extract from the Bulletin of the Society of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Bayonne - n°45_ July-September 1943.

In good condition.

From the same author

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