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La vie de mon pays - En Béarn

La vie de mon pays - En Béarn
Réf. 76816


Non-donné.  -  Non-donné.  -  1978.

  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardback.
  • Collation : 272 pp.

Bound in green full velvet. Smooth spine with green morocco piece on which appears in gilt the title. First board with green morocco piece on which appears a gilt coat of arms. Minor foxing on the edges. Nice condition of the contents decorated with black and white illustrations and photographs out of text.

Collective work. Imposing monument, describing all the communes of Bearn with an abundant photographic illustration sometimes very successful or original.

Very good condition.

Categories : Bearn, Gasgogne

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