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Era Bouts dera Mountanho (La Voix de la Montagne). 63e anado - n°2-3 - Mars-Agoust 1967.

Felibrejadi de Las Bals del Bicdessos

Era Bouts dera Mountanho (La Voix de la Montagne). 63e anado - n°2-3 - Mars-Agoust 1967
Réf. 67579


Non-donné.  -  Escolo deras pirenèos.  -  1967.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 32 pp.

Printed soft cream blanket. Small stitches and fine fold on the cover. Nice condition of the contents decorated with black and white photographs in and out of text.

Very good condition.

Categories : Gasgogne, Bearn
From the same author

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