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Histoire de Béarn

History of Béarn by Pierre de Marca, President of the Parliament of Navarre, Archbishop of Paris. New Decorated Edition of the Author's Portrait and several Engravings, with the Life of Marca, a Genealogy, the Bibliography of his Works and Documents

Histoire de Béarn
Réf. 5546

MARCA (Pierre de.)

Pau  -  V.RIBAUT & LAFON  -  1894-1912

  • Format : In-4
  • Number of volumes : 2
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Collation : Tome 1: 452 pp. Tome 2: 744 pp.
  • Language : Français

Under covers filled, embossed and decorated in black and red. Clean interior. Illustrated with engravings, letters, headbands and lamp butts, Fragile Volume 1: Missing on the spine caps and loose cover

Second edition of the History of Béarn (first edition published by Vve J. Camusat in 1640).

Correct state

Categories : Gasgogne, Bearn
From the same author

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