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Paroles authentiques de Jeanne d'Arc.

From the Trial of 1431 and the Contemporary Chronicles

Paroles authentiques de Jeanne d'Arc
Réf. 72413

MARY (André)

Paris.  -  Fernand Roches.  -  1931.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardback.
  • Collation : 57 pp.

In a blue hardback case with cream publisher's dust jacket. White publisher's boards. Pages not soiled. Small foxing on the pages. Good condition of the contents decorated with black and white illustrations in- and out-text.

LIMITED EDITION. One of 500 numbered copies on Auvergne handmade paper with watermark.

This copy is enriched with an AUTOGRAPHIC SENDING from the publisher: "to Mr. Louis Marin, who also drove the enemy out of France, a grateful tribute.

In this small collection here are gathered the words of our national heroine, Joan of Arc, pronounced during this infamous trial led by the English and Cauchon. Not only does this lovely little work transmit to us a precious piece of ancient history, but it also gives us to contemplate the signature left by the editor himself.

In good condition.

From the same author

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