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La Bataille de Toulouse d'après les documents les plus récents

La Bataille de Toulouse d'après les documents les plus récents
Réf. 73099

GESCHWIND (H., Dr.), GELIS (François de.)

Toulouse.  -  Imprimerie et librairie Edouard Privat.  -  1914.

  • Bookbinder : J.-M. DURAND
  • Format : In-8 (grand).
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 175 pp.

Bound in green half-chagrin. Spine with four raised bands, with gilt title on two pieces of red-bordeaux morocco. Gilt date on heel. Beautiful binding.
Cover and spine very well preserved. Pages not soiled. Paper slightly browned but in very good condition. Contents decorated with two black and white folding maps. Green cloth bookmark.

A very fine bound copy of an important study published a century after the battles it evokes. These battles took place on French soil, while the Empire was weakening on all sides, even in its mother country.

Very good condition.

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