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Les Colonies françaises

Les colonies françaises
Réf. 84175


Paris - Bruxelles  -  Aux éditions de la Girafe  -  1931

  • Format : In-folio.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 54 pp.

Filled cover in the colors of the French flag.

Contains 21 in-text stencils by various modern illustrators: Jean DUFY, CZOBEL, DIGNIMONT, Marcel GROMAIRE, Paul SIMON, Tade MAKOWSKI, Yves ALIX, Hermine DAVID, Gérard COCHET, André LHOTE, Edouard GOERG, Marcel MOUILLOT, Alexandre RALLI, LABOUREUR, Léopold GOTLIEB, Kiyoshi HASEGAWA, R. RIMBERT, Pierre DUBREUIL, PERKROHG, Pierre HODE, Emile COMPARD.

Texts by : Fernand VALLON, Louis de GONZAGUE FRICK, Jean RAVENNES, Gabriel BRUNET, J.M. AIMOT, Georges GIRARD, Louis LEON-MARTIN, Paul FIERENS, Suzanne DEFIOL, René JOUGLET, François VALDI, Marius Ary LEBLOND, René MORAND, Henri STRENTZ, Jane HUGARD, André RIVOLLET, Georges PILLEMENT, André MORA, Noël BUREAU, Henri HERTZ, Robert REY.

ORIGINAL EDITION LIMITED to 921 numbered copies. This is one of 900 numbered copies on Arches. Superb work produced for the 1931 Exposition Coloniale.

Very fine condition.

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