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Visages de Villes

Visages de Villes
Réf. 35629

MALO (Henri) illustrated by Albert LECHAT

Paris  -  Crès  -  1920

  • Format : In-
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 180 pp.
  • Language : Français

Brown half maroquin binding with corners. Spine with spine with raised bands with geometric framing boxes. Top edge gilt. Printed cover preserved with some marginal freckles. Illustrated with 50 etchings by Albert LECHAT followed by a double sequence of 50 plates at the end (state in colour and ordinary state).

Limited edition to 350 numbered copies. This one of the 45 specimens on Japan of the Imperial factories after 5 specimens on old Japan. Enriched with the announcement sheet at the end of the "to be published" and the "just published" sheet.

Very good condition.

From the same author

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