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Histoire de l'expédition de Russie, édition originale

Histoire de l'expédition de Russie marquis de Chambray
Réf. 38636

CHAMBRAY (Georges, marquis de).

Paris  -  Pillet aîné, Anselin et Pochard  -  1823

  • Bookbinder : SIMIER
  • Format : In-8
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : Tome 1: 444 pp. Tome 2: 460 pp. + 47 pp.
  • Language : Français

Binding of the period full glazed fawn calf. Spine with nerves adorned with golden florets and black tomato and title pieces. Internal gold plated castor. Nice marbled slices. Cold framing frieze on the boards. Binding signed SIMIER, King's binder. A beautifully fresh interior. 

ORIGINAL EDITION of this account of the Russian campaign of 1812 by the officer and historian Georges de Chambray (1783-1848). It is decorated on the frontispiece with a view of the passage of Neman, engraved on copper by Couché Fils after Bagalli, 4 paintings numbered from I to IV and 5 folding cards, one of which has coloured contours .

We have connected the following to Volume II: ROSTOPCHINE (Fedor, Count). The Truth about the Moscow fire. Paris, Imprimerie de Cosson, Ponthieu, 1823

Very beautiful copy, perfectly established by Simier.

Categories : History of Russia

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