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La société russe par un Russe. Traduit par MM. Ernest Figurey et Désiré Corbier.

La société russe par un Russe
Réf. 36312

Paris  -  Maurice Dreyfous  -  1877

  • Format : In-8
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : Tome 1: 396 pp. Tome 2: 374 pp.
  • Language : Français

Half vellum binding. Smooth spine with title pieces and blue morocco tomaison. Spotted slices. Clean interior with some clear freckles.

FIRST EDITION. Observations on the society of St. Petersburg; Prince Gonchakoff; the brothers Miliouitin; Count Protassoff; the three Tourguenieff; senior officials; ministers of public education; Pushkin; sciences in Russia; literature and men of letters, etc.

Very good condition.

Categories : History of Russia

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