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Lettres de guerre (1914-1918), édition originale

Lettres de guerre (1914-1918)
Réf. 80204


Paris  -  Librairie Plon, les petits-fils de Plon et Nourrit  -  1920

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardcover.
  • Collation : 415 pp.

Bound in plum half-maroquin with corners. Spine ribbed. Head gilt. Cover and spine preserved. Heliogravure portrait.

FIRST EDITION. One of 100 numbered copies on papier cuve from the papeteries du Marais et de Sainte-Marie.

The author died for France at the age of 28, in September 1918, killed by the enemy at the head of his battalion during the Battle of the Ailette.

Very fine condition.

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