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Ruelles, Salons et Cabarets : Histoire anecdotique de la littérature française - Tome 1er

Ruelles, Salons et Cabarets : Histoire anecdotique de la littérature française - Tome 1er
Réf. 71068


Paris.  -  E. Dentu.  -  11892.

  • Format : In-12
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 295 pp.

Under green blanket filled with substitution. Printed soft cream cover. Very damaged back with missing parts. Marked wear of the cover. Internal seams have given way. Pages not stripped. Burnished paper. Signs of halos on some pages. Contents decorated with black and white bands and lampheads.

Condition of use.

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