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Étude historique et économique

The Bayonese question in its relationship with the country's wealth

Étude historique et économique
Réf. 54477

BESSELLÈRE (Mr l' Abbé Jean-Baptiste)

Aire  -  Dehez  -  1874.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 103 pp.

Modern beige half-canvas binding, partial title on paper label on the back, author and full title mounted on the top cover. Contains a map of the Landes coastline, a project for a canal from Blancpignon to La Fosse.

We are talking here about the port of Bayonne and its development. After a historical description, the author endeavours to demonstrate the positive influence that the handing over of the mouth of the Adour River to the Boucault de Dioü (Beard 87) would have on the wealth of this city and the country

An ex-libris.

In good condition.

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