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Cours d'économie politique - 1 & 2

Cours d'économie politique - 1 & 2
Réf. 69726

TRUCHY (Henri)

Paris.  -  Recueil Sirey.  -  Tome 1 : 1919; Tome 2 : 1921.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Cardboard.
  • Collation : Tome 1 : 459 pp.; Tome 2 : 464 pp.

Set of two volumes with blue-marine bradel publisher's cardboard boxes. Smooth spines with title, author's note and golden tomaison. First plates with title, author's and publisher's gilt mentions, all in a relief frame. Traces of small rubbings that only slightly alter the beauty of the cardboard. Colour guards and brown paper. Fine copies.

Beneath these two copies with their beautiful navy blue cardboard hides a vast programme: social issues, economic relations, distribution of goods, etc.. There are so many themes encompassed in the field of political economy. For the neophyte, this will be a good introduction. For the expert, it will be a way to test his knowledge and check whether the theses explained are still valid.

Very good condition.

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