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Dépréciation des richesses...Crise qu'elle engendre, Maux qu'elle répand, Souffrance qu'elle provoque dans les classes laborieuses

Dépréciation des richesses
Réf. 35194

ALLARD (Alphonse), LAVELEYE (Emile de.)

Bruxelles  -  Presses Alexandre Berqueman  -  1889

  • Format : In-8
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 316 pp.
  • Language : Français

Solid red morocco binding. The dishes are decorated with gilded fillets, and in gilded letters, with the dedication "To His Excellency Mr. Tirard, Minister of Agriculture and Trade of the French Republic, Respectful Tribute". Smooth spine finely decorated. All edges gilt. Inner lace. Very fresh interior.

Very sumptuously bound copy, including at the beginning of the first chapter a long handwritten letter from the author to Minister Tirard.

Superb copy.

Categories : Finance - Economy

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