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Complementing the practical method to learn the Basque language bizkaino and gipuzkoano

Complemento del método practico para aprender el euskera bizkaino y gipuzkoano
Réf. 54798

AZKUE (Resurrección María de)

Bilbao  -  Tip. De José de Astuy  -  1896.

  • Format : In- oblong.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 328 pp.
  • Language : Basque

Modern green half-basan binding, 5-numbered back decorated with a gilded peel, red and brown title pieces, upper cover plate preserved. Leaves slightly browned. Rare wetnesses.

Text printed on three columns, from left to right: bizkaino, castellano, gipuzkoano.

An ex-libris.

In good condition.

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