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Notions élémentaires de grammaire basque.

Dialect Labourdin

Notions élémentaires de grammaire basque.
Réf. 53853


Bayonne  -  P. Cazals  -  1873.

  • Bookbinder : Atelier Laurenchet
  • Format : In-16.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : XXXV pp.

Green percaline posterior binding at la Bradel (Laurenchet workshop), red title piece, publisher's cover preserved. Beautifully fresh paper.

Not very common. Nice copy. Excerpt from the guide to the French-Basque conversation. An ex-libris.

In very good condition.

Categories : Linguistics, Pays Basque
From the same author

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