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Nouvelles remarques sur la langue basque

Nouvelles remarques sur la langue basque
Réf. 51906

BONAPARTE (Louis-Lucien)

Londres  -  Sans mention d'éditeur.  -  1884

  • Bookbinder : Ateliers LAURENCHET.
  • Format : Plaquette in-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 5 pp.

Red half-shagreen posterior binding. Smooth back with golden title. Binding signed Ateliers LAURENCHET.

When he arrived in the Basque Country, the Prince set up a team of collaborators, the first of whom was Jean-Pierre Duvoisin, who had already translated the biblical texts and was preparing a dictionary. The other collaborators were Jose Antonio Uriarte, from Arrigorriaga; Klaudio Otaegi, from Zegama; Emmanuel Inchauspé, from Zunharreta; M. Salaberry, from Ibarrola; Bruno Etxenike, from Urdax; Father Casenave; Jose Antonio Azpiazu, from Segura; Juan Eloi Udabe, from Tolosa; Mariano Mendigatxa, from Bidangoze; Prudentzio Hualde, from Bidangoze; Pedro José Samper from Jaurrieta; Father Ibarnegarai; and J.-B. Archu, from Altzürükü.

Very good condition.

Categories : Linguistics, Pays Basque

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