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VIII. Words connected with the vine in Latin and the Neo-Latin dialects

Followed by: IX. Names of European reptiles in the living Neo-Latin languages

VIII. Words connected with the vine in Latin and the Neo-Latin dialects
Réf. 54199

BONAPARTE (Louis-Lucien)

Londres  -  BONAPARTE (Louis-Lucien)  -  1882.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 61pp. chiffrées 251-311 ; 43pp. chiffrées 312-354
  • Language : Anglais

Modern red canvas binding à la Bradel (Laurenchet workshop), gilded author on black piece in length. Beautifully fresh paper.

Dummy excerpt from Transactions of the Cambridge Philological Society, 1881-1882, vol. 11. The two texts are available in separate drafts (1883).

Louis-Lucien Bonaparte (1813-1891), Prince Bonaparte, was a deputy and then a senator of the Second Empire and a philologist, a specialist in the Basque language. Louis-Lucien Bonaparte was fluent in English, French, Spanish, Italian and Basque. It was to Basque that he devoted most of his activity.

An ex-libris.

In very good condition.

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