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Vocabularium comparativum omnium linguarum europaearum.

Vocabularium comparativum omnium linguarum europaearum.
Réf. 51947

BONAPARTE (Louis-Lucien)

Florentiae  -  Typis societatis typographicae  -  1847

  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 60 pp.

Red half-shagreen posterior binding. Smooth back with golden title. Binding signed Ateliers LAURENCHET.

This is the FIRST LINGUISTIC PUBLICATION OF LUCINE BONPARTE. It is 56 different words, one per page translated into 52 European languages. With handwritten corrections (by Lucien Bonaparte?).

Louis-Lucien Bonaparte (1813-1891), Prince Bonaparte, was a deputy and then a senator of the Second Empire and a philologist, a specialist in the Basque language. Louis-Lucien Bonaparte was fluent in English, French, Spanish, Italian and Basque. It was to Basque that he devoted most of his activity.

Enriched copy of an AUTOGRAPHIC SENDING BY LUCIEN BONAPARTE who writes to Mr. P. Bingam to recommend his valet.

Very good condition.

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