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Crimes célèbres

Crimes célèbres
Réf. 60356

DUMAS (Alexandre)

Paris.  -  Administration de librairie  -  1842-1853

  • Format : Forts in-8.
  • Number of volumes : 8 tomes en 4 vols.
  • Binding : Related.

Green half-shell binder. Smooth spine with gold threads. Numerous off-text engravings. Water halos and wet spots on the paper.

Complete series of eight volumes bound in 4 volumes.

This series includes the following works: Les Cenci; La Marquise de Brinvilliers; Karl Ludwig Sand; Marie Stuart; La Marquise de Ganges; Murat; Les Borgia; Urbain Grandier; Vaninka...

Condition okay.

From the same author

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