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Les Soirées de Médan

Les Soirées de Médan
Réf. 80793

ZOLA (Émile)

Paris  -  G. Charpentier et Cie  -  1890

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Hardcover.
  • Collation : 300 pp.

Bound in modern red Jansenist chagrin. Head gilt. Untrimmed. Cover and spine in imitation parchment.

ILLUSTRRATED FIRST EDITION of this major collection, considered the manifesto of naturalism. One of the deluxe copies reprinted on Hollande containing a second suite of etchings with remarks.

It contains six short stories by the "Médan group": Boule de suif by Guy de Maupassant, which ensured the book's success, L'Attaque du moulin by Émile Zola, Sac au dos by J.-K. Huysmans, La Saignée by Henry Céard, L'Affaire du grand 7 by Léon Hennique and Après la bataille by Paul Alexis. The illustration consists of twelve hors texte etchings, including portraits of the six authors drawn and engraved by Fernand Desmoulin and six illustrations by Pierre-Georges Jeanniot interpreted by Muller.

Nominative copy for Philippe Gille (1831-1901), literary critic at Le Figaro, accompanied by AUTOGRAPHIC LETTERS from the six authors of the collection.

Good condition.

From the same author

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