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Thérèse et Marianne.

Memories of youth.

Thérèse et Marianne.
Réf. 41479

MICHELET (Jules) illustrated by Valentin FOULQUIER

Paris  -  Librairie L. Conquet  -  1891

  • Format : In-12
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 104 pp.
  • Language : Français

Red half-marbled binding with corners. Nervous spine with small golden rose in each box. Top edge gilt. Cover kept. Binding signed DAVID. Illustrated with a frontispiece and 10 compositions by Valentin Foulquier, engraved with etching, including 4 vignettes in the text and 6 figures outside the text. The spine is slightly browned.

LIMITED DRAW  to 408 numbered copies. This one of the numbered copies on vers du Marais.


In good condition

From the same author

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