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La leçon d'amour dans un parc. - Les nouvelles leçons d'amour dans un parc

Réf. 547

BOYLESVE (René) illustrated by Sylvain SAUVAGE

Paris  -  Georges Briffaut  -  1939

  • Format : Grand in-8
  • Number of volumes : 2 volumes.
  • Binding : Paperback
  • Collation : Tome 1: 213 pp. Tome 2: 204 pp.
  • Language : Français

Numbered copies on bibliophile vellum. Covers illustrated in colour, filled in. Fresh interior. Numerous illustrations, in the text and on a full page, stencilled, by Sylvain SAUVAGE.

In the first volume, the plates are engraved on copper by Maccard and intaglioed by Leblanc and Trautmann. The woods were engraved by Jean VITAL PROST during the anxious months of March and April 1939. At the end of printing Volume 2, it is said that "the printing of intaglio engravings, which did not give a satisfactory homogeneity result, was abandoned and replaced by engraved wood".

Perfect condition.

From the same author

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