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Bibliothèque latine-française de traductions nouvelles des auteurs latins : Mémoires Jules César - Tomes 1 à 3

Bibliothèque latine-française de traductions nouvelles des auteurs latins : Mémoires Jules César - Tomes 1 à 3
Réf. 68036


Paris.  -  Imprimerie de C.-L.-F. Panckoucke.  -  1832.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 3 tomes.
  • Binding : Cardboard.
  • Collation : Tome 1 : 358 pp.; Tome 2 : 384 pp.; Tome 3 : 456 pp.

Set of three volumes with red publisher's cardboard boxes. Smooth spines with gilded fillets, title, tomaison and author's note, also including fleurons and ornaments in black. Rubbed caps and dishes. Papers partially browned. Good condition of contents.

New translation by Mr. Artaud.

Nice edition of the French translation of the Memoirs of Julius Caesar. Military and renowned politician, Caius Iulius Caesar was also a fine scholar who left to posterity several written testimonies. We can well forgive him a small invasion of Gaul to appreciate the true value of these traces.

In good condition.

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