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Les Dimanches parisiens

Les Dimanches parisiens
Réf. 68998

MORIN (Louis) illustrated by Auguste LEPÈRE

PARis.  -  Librairie L. Conquet  -  1898

  • Bookbinder : MERCIER, succ. de Cuzin
  • Format : In-4.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 213 pp.

In a lined case and under a green half-marocco shirt. Bound in green celadon full morocco. Dark green morocco frame scroll with many gold and cold-lettered fillets, spine ribbed and decorated in the same style. Light havana morocco lining decorated with an important border of flowers and stylised foliage mosaic, bounded by garnet morocco scrolls and gilt filets, celadon reps guards. Gilded edges on witnesses. Cover and back preserved. Binding signed MERCIER, succ. de Cuzin. Spine of the folder faded, having slightly colored the gold of the spine.

Beautiful edition, decorated with 41 original etchings by Auguste LEPÈRE. This is the last book published by Conquet, it was completed after his death, by Léopold Carteret.


Copy by Émile Mercier, bound for himself. Offered by Léopold Carteret, Conquet's successor, it bears an autograph ex-dono at the subscription.

The copy contains the 41 engravings of Lepère in two states, one before the letter and a separate suite of 10 additional etchings by Lepère.

Remarkable lining with mosaic decoration set in gilt fillet, a masterpiece of gilding.

Very nice condition.

From the same author

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