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Les romanesques

Comedy in three acts in verse

Les romanesques
Réf. 58139

ROSTAND (Edmond)

Paris  -  Librairie Charpentier et Fasquelle  -  1898.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 72 pp.

Printed soft cover. Slightly faded leaves with some discrete wetness. Faded back and cover. One corner of the cover's missing.

"Les Romanesques" is a comedy in three acts and in prose performed for the first time on the stage of the Comédie-Française on 21 May 1894. This is Edmond Rostand's first theatrical success. In this comedy, Rostand directs "a WALL, a mute character". This wall separates two gardens, and two young lovers, Percinet and Sylvette, whose fathers live in neighbouring houses..."

Condition of use.

From the same author

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