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Correspondance de V. Jacquemont avec sa famille et plusieurs de ses amis pendant son voyage dans l'Inde (1828-1832) - Tomes 1 et 2

Correspondance de V. Jacquemont avec sa famille et plusieurs de ses amis pendant son voyage dans l'Inde (1828-1832) - Tomes 1 et 2
Réf. 70307


Paris.  -  Garnier frères - H. Fournier aîné.  -  1841.

  • Format : In-12.
  • Number of volumes : 2 tomes.
  • Binding : Related.
  • Collation : Tome 1 : 370 pp.; Tome 2 : 372 pp.

Set of two volumes with brown half-basane binding. Smooth spine with gilt fillets, false nerves, also including two pieces of black morocco on which the title and author's mention in gilt. Rubbed or damaged head covers. Rubbed pieces of morocco. Rubbing and snags on the plates. All edges speckled. Yellowing paper. Freckles on pages. Book with green cloth bookmarks. Folding map in black and white off-text at the end of volume 1.

New enlarged edition of unpublished letters.

Condition okay.

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