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Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle.

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Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle
Réf. 67559


Paris.  -  Firmin Didot Frères.  -  1871.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Bound.
  • Collation : 553 pp.

Brown half-bradel binding. Spine with four raised bands with gilt fleurons, title and author's note. Lightly rubbed caps, bits and cardboard fields. All edges multicolored. Burnished white guard with handwriting. Burnished paper. All in good condition.

Collection "CHEFS-D'ŒUVRE LITTÉRAIRES DU XVIIE SIÈCLE". " Collated on the original editions and published by Lefèvre.

Beautiful re-edition of a work by Bossuet, a great 17th century French preacher. In addition to the fact that he had to pronounce several orations in honour of the great names of his time, he received the honour of being able to dedicate this creation to the young Dauphin de France. It goes without saying that the fruit of his work had to be of high quality.

Very good condition.

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