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A la frégate, édition originale

A la frégate
Réf. 52583


Paris  -  Les éditions des Portiques  -  1930.

  • Format : In-8.
  • Number of volumes : 1 volume.
  • Binding : Paperback.
  • Collation : 111 pp.

Soft printed cover.

ORIGINAL EDITION N°142 of the 100 copies numbered from 51 to 150 on Holland Van Gelder paper. 50 copies on Old Japan numbered from 1 to 50. And 1350 copies on Vergé Alfa by Corvol Lorgueilleux numbered from 151 to 1500. Uncut copy.

Slight tear on the lower back. And some marks of time. But if not very correct.

From the same author

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